NVIDIA Releases 382.53 WHQL Game Ready Driver

With enough updates to fill another plate, NVIDIA is here with another driver update. This round continues release 381 with driver version 382.53, hands us some fixes, and prepares...

7 by Daniel Williams on 6/10/2017

AMD Releases Radeon Software ReLive Crimson Edition 17.6.1: Improved Performance in Dirt 4 & Prey

Summer approaches and big budget games releases are slowing to a trickle. More importantly, school is closing meaning more gaming time for those not yet entrenched in the workforce...

3 by Daniel Williams on 6/9/2017

NVIDIA Announces Rocket League Bundle for GeForce GTX 1060 & 1050 Cards

The Rocket League World Championship is just around the corner, running from June 2nd through June 4th in Los Angeles. In celebration NVIDIA has partnered with Psyonix for a...

2 by Daniel Williams on 5/31/2017

NVIDIA Releases GeForce Experience 3.6 - ShadowPlay for OpenGL and Vulkan

This week NVIDIA has released a minor update for GeForce Experience that has a major new feature. This time we get support for capturing additional rendering APIs under ShadowPlay...

4 by Daniel Williams on 5/10/2017

NVIDIA Releases 382.05 WHQL Game Ready Driver

We’ve reached a new month, which brings new games that NVIDIA is always happy to prepare for. This week they have released another iteration for release 381 of their...

6 by Daniel Williams on 5/5/2017

AMD Releases Radeon Software ReLive Crimson Edition 17.5.1: Prey Release Driver

Only a week out from the release of Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.4.4 and AMD is in for another brief round. This release is arguably on the more...

3 by Daniel Williams on 5/5/2017

NVIDIA Releases 381.89 WHQL Driver

I wouldn’t claim NVIDIA is keeping up the pressure with their driver releases, but they are keeping a good pace releasing their second driver update this month. The beginning...

4 by Daniel Williams on 4/26/2017

AMD Releases Radeon Software ReLive Crimson Edition 17.4.1

The game releases trickle this time of year, but the progression of technology marches on. More specifically VR is still a developing phenomenon, and 8K is just cresting the...

8 by Daniel Williams on 4/5/2017

NVIDIA Adds GeForce GTX 1060 To “Prepare for Battle” Bundle

In a brief announcement this morning, NVIDIA is expanding their "Prepare for Battle" bundle to include the GeForce GTX 1060. NVIDIA's latest bundle launched nearly two months ago, at the...

17 by Daniel Williams on 3/28/2017

NVIDIA Releases 378.92 WHQL Driver: Mass Effect and Dolby Vision for Games

This week in a relatively brief driver update, NVIDIA has released their Game Ready driver for the newly released Mass Effect: Andromeda. Following with the 378 branch, 378.92 adds official...

21 by Daniel Williams on 3/21/2017

AMD Releases Radeon Software ReLive Crimson Edition 17.3.2

Continuing their momentum in update frequency, we have another driver release form AMD. This latest update is a minor "point update" for the month, and it includes only two...

3 by Daniel Williams on 3/16/2017

NVIDIA Releases 378.66 WHQL Driver: Game Ready, More Ansel, With 10 and 12-bit video

Not wanting to be left out of the Valentine’s day fray, NVIDIA has swung by to drop off their driver updates in preparation for this week’s releases and next...

4 by Daniel Williams on 2/14/2017

AMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.2.1

Despite the arrival of Valentine’s day, gamers are still gonna game, and AMD is in to prepare us for this week’s game releases. The new update for Radeon Software...

18 by Daniel Williams on 2/14/2017

NVIDIA Launches New Game Bundle: For Honor & Ghost Recon Wildlands

The gaming scene tends to be slow this time of the year, and some may still feel burned out from Christmas spending, others still feel like giving. Leading up...

17 by Daniel Williams on 1/31/2017

NVIDIA Releases 378.49 WHQL Driver Update

A little over half a month in, and we have our first driver release from NVIDIA for the new year. Both camps were so rapid fire with driver releases...

22 by Daniel Williams on 1/25/2017

AMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 16.12.2 Update

We are not even two weeks out from the release of AMD's Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition and we have been given an update. The 16.12.2 update brings the...

3 by Daniel Williams on 12/21/2016

NVIDIA Releases 376.19 WHQL Driver Update: Game Ready Oculus Touch and Two Giveaways

This week we are finally seeing the long-awaited release of the Oculus touch controllers and the collection of games following in its wake. As a result, we also seem...

21 by Daniel Williams on 12/6/2016

NVIDIA Releases 376.09 WHQL Driver Update

Watchdogs 2 is being released this week, and with that we receiving a new NVIDIA driver update, bundled in with a few fixes. The 376.09 update continues the Release...

15 by Daniel Williams on 11/29/2016

AMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.5 Hotfix

Watch Dogs 2 is being released this week, and with that we receiving a new driver update from AMD bundled in with a couple of fixes. As a result...

2 by Daniel Williams on 11/29/2016

NVIDIA Releases 375.86 WHQL Driver Update

Two more weeks after NVIDIA’s last hotfix we have another WHQL update to cement those fixes, optimize more games, and prepare for more releases. Releases and updates have been...

20 by Daniel Williams on 11/18/2016

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