CPU Benchmark Performance: Rendering

Rendering tests, compared to others, are often a little more simple to digest and automate. All the tests put out some sort of score or time, usually in an obtainable way that makes it fairly easy to extract. These tests are some of the most strenuous in our list, due to the highly threaded nature of rendering and ray-tracing, and can draw a lot of power.

If a system is not properly configured to deal with the thermal requirements of the processor, the rendering benchmarks are where it would show most easily as the frequency drops over a sustained period of time. Most benchmarks, in this case, are re-run several times, and the key to this is having an appropriate idle/wait time between benchmarks to allow for temperatures to normalize from the last test.

Some of the notable rendering-focused benchmarks we've included for 2024 include the latest CineBench 2024 benchmark and an update to Blender 3.6 and V-Ray 5.0.2.

We are using DDR5 memory on the Core i9-14900KS, as well as the other Intel 14th Gen Core series processors including the Core i9-14900K, the Core i7-14700K, Core i5-14600K, and Intel's 13th Gen at the relative JEDEC settings. The same methodology is also used for the AMD Ryzen 7000 series and Intel's 12th Gen (Alder Lake) processors. Below are the settings we have used for each platform:

  • DDR5-5600B CL46 - Intel 14th & 13th Gen
  • DDR5-5200 CL44 - Ryzen 7000
  • DDR5-4800 (B) CL40 - Intel 12th Gen

(4-1) Blender 3.6: BMW27 (CPU Only)

(4-1b) Blender 3.6: Classroom (CPU Only)

(4-1c) Blender 3.6: Fishy Cat (CPU Only)

(4-1d) Blender 3.6: Pabellon Barcelona (CPU Only)

(4-2) CineBench R23: Single Thread

(4-2b) CineBench R23: Multi Threaded

(4-3) CineBench 2024: Single Thread

(4-3b) CineBench 2024: Multi Thread

(4-5) V-Ray 5.0.2 Benchmark: CPU

(4-6) POV-Ray 3.7.1

Rendering workloads are highly intensive and, for the most part, are more intensive than other typical workloads. As we can see in both the CineBench R23 and 2024 single-threaded results, the additional 200 MHz to the P-core turbo (6.2 GHz) makes a notable difference to ST performance. In contrast, in the multi-threaded tests, again, we don't see too much difference in benchmarks such as Blender, where the extra clock speed saves a couple of seconds at most over a long benchmark.

CPU Benchmark Performance: Encoding CPU Benchmark Performance: Science And Simulation


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  • Thunder 57 - Friday, May 10, 2024 - link

    Agree 100%. My guess is the benchmarks were already done and rather than throw them in the trash where they belong they published them. I will take Gavin at his word that he will update this, but IMHO they should've held back until all of the benchmakrs were done. Reply
  • BushLin - Thursday, May 16, 2024 - link

    So... Doesn't look like the review has been updated, coming up to a week later Reply
  • Oxford Guy - Monday, May 20, 2024 - link

    Is anyone surprised? Reply
  • kkilobyte - Friday, May 10, 2024 - link

    What's the point of publishing the article without those extra tests in the first place? And since this can change your conclusions a bit, this is confusing and misleading.

    "Don't worry"? Let me remind you the article on the i5-14600k, which stilks says after a month that you are currently re-running SPEC2017 tests and "will update the results". Have those tests been completely re-run? Were the graphs fully updated? When was it updated? You didn't care to update the text accordingly, making the review confusing at best.

    So please, stop publishing articles where half of the job isn't even (properly) done. If not all tests are finished, then by all means finish them before publishing the article.
  • Thunder 57 - Friday, May 10, 2024 - link

    Exactly. I have little faith in anything they say here as this website has fallen off a cliff. They just completely gave up on reviewing video cards. CPU reviews seem half assed since Ian Cuttress left. And you are right, the conclusion could (and should) change based on the next set of results. Will we see an updated conclusion? I sure hope so. Reply
  • PeachNCream - Saturday, May 11, 2024 - link

    Please be kind to AT. They're short staffed, underfunded, and cannot hang onto english native speaking talent so they're doing the best with what they have available. Besides, this is the first non-PSU, watercooler, or external storage device review they've published in a while. It's better we encourage them than insult them for leaving it half finished. 50% is better than 0% isn't it? Reply
  • Oxford Guy - Saturday, May 11, 2024 - link

    Given the situation with Intel's CPUs, it's unreasonable to publish a new article without testing according to the so-called power defaults.

    Utterly unreasonable.
  • powerarmour - Sunday, May 12, 2024 - link

    Unbelievable Intel shilling now here, a waste of space this site. Reply
  • GeoffreyA - Saturday, May 11, 2024 - link

    I agree with PeachNCream. The insults are not helping anybody but probably making them feel more despondent and driving them away. Reply
  • kkilobyte - Saturday, May 11, 2024 - link

    I don't see any 'insulting' here. What I'm saying is that the job was not properly done. And no, a half-finished review article with incomplete data and a possibly not proper conclusion is not "better than nothing".

    That AT is understaffed is none of my business, and it doesn't in any case justify publishing half-finished content. And let's remember that this website is not a charity either.

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