Elite PC 2U

When AMD launched the Athlon MP processor Elite PC was one of the first companies to make a high-end server/workstation available based on the platform; the only downside was that unlike Appro, Elite PC's solution was only available in a conventional tower and not in a rackmountable case.

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Elite PC finally began offering rackmountable solutions and for this roundup they supplied their 2U platform. We've already discussed the benefits of a 2U system and some potential usage environments when talking about CCSI's solution, but now let's see how Elite PC's differs.

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First and foremost, the Elite PC solution has a much more elegant front panel cover. The cover is lockable but it does not completely detach from the system; instead it will fold down, granting access to the drives and switches and fold back up when you're done. The cover also has all six LEDs visible with the cover closed, a small but important improvement over other designs.

Unlocking the front panel and unfolding the cover reveals, as was the case with CCSI's 2U platform, 6 removable drive bays. The drive bays are much more user friendly with plastic handles that are noticeably easier to remove and slide out. You cannot purchase this 2U system with anything other than removable SCSI drive bays.

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In addition to the 6 removable bays, there are two more 3.5" bays; one is occupied by a floppy drive and another remains empty for use with an IDE boot drive or another SCSI device should the need arise. This is one more 3.5" bay than is offered in CCSI's solution and it's made possible by the use of a slim, notebook form factor CD-ROM drive instead of a full-sized 5.25" drive.

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Finishing up the CCSI 2U Opening Elite PC's 2U
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