Azio demonstrated its Iris keyboard at Computex. The new product comes in two pieces that will be sold separately: the keyboard itself (dubbed K-Pad Unit) as well as a numpad (called N-Pad Unit). Traditionally for Azio, the Iris will use mechanical switches from Cherry.

Azio’s Retro Classic mechanical keyboard featured a really eye-catching design with its typewriter-style round-shaped keys, yet many reviewers and users complained about its comfort back in 2017. Azio tried to capitalize on design of its Retro Classic products and introduced numerous new versions back at Computex 2018, though it looks like adoption of the product did not expand outside of its target audience (people primarily buying for style). That said, Azio decided to change its approach.


Azio’s Iris keyboard uses more traditional square keycaps, which it meshes with a metallic finish as well as leather-covered body. At Computex, Azio demonstrated Iris in red & golden as well as black & silver colors, and the company may come up with other variants as well.

The new Azio Iris keyboard also has a media control knob and uses Cherry’s Brown or Blue switchers. Just like in case of the Retro Classic, the keyboard is compatible both with Apple MacOS as well as Microsoft Windows-based PCs (i.e., ALT/Option as well as CMD/Windows keys are switchable). As for connectivity, both the keyboard and the numpad can connect to a PC using RF or Bluetooth technology, and they can be charged using USB Type-C connectors.

Azio plans to start sales of its Iris keyboard and its keypad later this year. At present, the company is looking at $150 price point for the keyboard as well as $50 for the numpad, though this is subject to change. Furthermore, the company will offer mice that will match designs of its Iris units.

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  • Cullinaire - Monday, June 17, 2019 - link

    Not bad, although I would like to see how it would look with body colored keycaps.
  • Lord of the Bored - Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - link

    I'd like to see it with some big chunky bold 70s-style keycaps. They'd match the rest of the look nicely.
  • bug77 - Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - link

    Comfort? When it's so far off an ANSI layout? Surely you jest.
  • Duncan Macdonald - Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - link

    I have yet to find a PC keyboard that is as comfortable to use as the old DEC LK201 keyboard (found on the VT220 terminal). Most modern keyboards are far harsher to use than the old LK201.
  • FreckledTrout - Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - link

    That media dial looks nifty. The rest of it from the weird font that makes the W look like an upside down M to the universal but universally not as good keyboard layout.
  • Dug - Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - link

    I wish they could make it thicker. I really need a keyboard a good 6 inches off the desk with the largest keycaps possible for ergonomics. Because bending your wrists so much to reach those keys is great for stress relief.
  • Findecanor - Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - link

    They should change the name, as there already is a contemporary keyboard from Keebio called Iris.

    I had expected a review of that one when I clicked the link.
    It is a quite popular ergonomic keyboard (⇒"comfort") among the enthusiast (⇒"style") crowd.
  • bimizell - Thursday, May 12, 2022 - link

    I want to quickly test the functionality of this keyboard, after all, this style amazes me. I am a student and adore computer technology and gamification of the learning process, which is why writing technical homework is very important to me. To reduce the time that in the long run can be spent on other opportunities, I turn to and this service always expresses me. I think this tip of the hat is very useful for technology-loving students like me!

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